"Pound of Flesh"- starring Jean-Claude Van Damme- wasn't a very good movie...It's not terrible though, even occasionally offering a good piece in a mostly subpar puzzle. I'd say that the arc of this review is: "It could've been better...".
Now we have “Force of Execution”, a bad step in the right direction…Erm, that doesn’t make a lot of sense, but to be fair, nor does the title. Nor does the plot. Yet at least everyone- from the actors to the director to the writer(s)- seemed to be trying to make an enjoyable flick. They didn't really accomplish their mission, but they didn't fail miserably either.
"Attack of the Vegan Zombies" is as strange as it sounds. It never ceases in delivering daft ideas and is surprisingly well made, despite the low budget. It's just a shame that the flick sabotages itself by trying too hard to be funny, when it was only funny when it was trying to be serious.
"Fright Night 2: New Blood” isn’t especially memorable or…good…But it is much better than I was expecting. At times, I even felt it came closer to capturing the atmosphere of the original than the more big budgeted remake did.
“Belly of the Beast” (AKA: The Stomach of Seagal) is one of my favorite direct-to-DVD Steven Seagal features. I’d be lying if I called it ‘good’, but it is consistently entertaining, even if it’s often for the wrong reasons.
“Maximum Conviction” is actually fairly decent. However, Steven Seagal deserves none of the credit here. The weight of the feature is held up by the supporting cast, the writer and the director. If anything, Seagal kept "Maximum Conviction" from reaching its full potential. Then again, watching him play off of Stone Cold Steve Austin is...interesting. So his presence wasn't a total loss.
"6 Bullets" pretty much answers the question of: "What if "Taken" starred Jean-Claude Van Damme and had balls?". I'm still trying to decide if "6 Bullets" is an exceptional film, or maybe "Taken" just fooled me into thinking it's better than it was, because most of the comparisons are in favor for this movie.