1. “Chinese Zodiac (2012)” movie review.

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    "Chinese Zodiac" was condemned by the critics for feeling like your conventional Jackie Chan movie, albeit with watered down stunts, gimmicks and fight scenes. I technically do agree with the majority of their points, so why did I have so much fun with it?
  2. “Battle of the Damned (2013)” movie review.

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    "Battle of the Damned" didn't jump over any sharks, it jumped ON the shark and rode it all the way to zombie land and it was AWESOME. What's more unusual than putting Dolph Lundgren in a zombie scenario? How about throwing robots into the mix for absolutely no reason? That just...transcends quality and automatically makes "Battle of the Damned" the best movie of all time.
  3. “Dragonball Z: Wrath of the Dragon (1995)” movie review.

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    "Dragonball Z: Wrath of the Dragon" is... different, and not in the way that "Fusion Reborn" was different- where it felt like the filmmakers were subtly adapting a 'Goku x Vegeta' slash fanfiction while tripping out on drugs. This one just has different priorities, toning down fighting for the sake of fleshing out and developing its primary character.
  4. “Dragonball Z: Fusion Reborn (1995)” movie review.

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    Yet...while the road to enjoying "Fusion Reborn" had a bumpy start, I ended up having a blast with this serial film. It's so...it's so freaking weird! And gay! And weird! But I began to love its gay weirdness. This might even be my personal favorite DBZ flick, even if it's not the best.
  5. “Dragonball Z: Bio-Broly (1994)” movie review.

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    “Bio-Broly” might be guilty of exploiting Broly’s namesake, but I think it’s an entertaining serial film which benefits from focusing more on the supporting cast of the Dragonball universe, while also…well, not pissing on the actual character of Broly.
  6. “Force of Execution (2013)” movie review.

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    Now we have “Force of Execution”, a bad step in the right direction…Erm, that doesn’t make a lot of sense, but to be fair, nor does the title. Nor does the plot. Yet at least everyone- from the actors to the director to the writer(s)- seemed to be trying to make an enjoyable flick. They didn't really accomplish their mission, but they didn't fail miserably either.