1. “Unleashed (2005)” movie review.

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    "Unleashed" (starring Jet Li) has a special place in my heart because it's one of the few successful examples of a martial arts movie reaching out to a different crowd and satisfying everyone in the process.
  2. “Seven Swords (2005)” movie review.

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    Personally, I felt "Seven Swords" came from Tsui Hark's bowels rather than his brain and I have no idea what the appeal is supposed to be. Yes, it's passable- and sometimes even exceptional- on a technical level but it suffers from every problem which usually accompanies films that were intended to be four hours long.
  3. “Forbidden City Cop (1996)” movie review.

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    But those who understand my tastes know that I'm tired of the ordinary, conventional flicks that take no risks, so "Forbidden City Cop" immediately got into my pants with its strangeness. But the unique fight scenes and hilarious comedic antics seduced me into a satisfying relationship.
  4. “Deliver Us From Evil (2014)” movie review

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    "Deliver us From Evil" doesn't contain a single original idea, other than maybe making Joel McHale into a bad-ass, but it takes those familiar possession concepts and blends them with the clichés of a gritty police drama. This mating of genres is fairy unique and it helps that they have chemistry together, making the film seem more original than it really is.