1. “Dragonball Z: Wrath of the Dragon (1995)” movie review.

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    "Dragonball Z: Wrath of the Dragon" is... different, and not in the way that "Fusion Reborn" was different- where it felt like the filmmakers were subtly adapting a 'Goku x Vegeta' slash fanfiction while tripping out on drugs. This one just has different priorities, toning down fighting for the sake of fleshing out and developing its primary character.
  2. “Dragonball Z: Super Android 13! (1992)” movie review.

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    "Dragonball Z: Super Android 13!" is the only serial film that doesn't just ignore the established continuity...It urinates acid onto it, creating holes that will mind rape us fans. That sounds pretty bad, right? Oddly, no. This film is just unpretentious fun, showcasing nothing but Goku, Trunks and Vegeta participating in thoroughly enjoyable battles.
  3. “Dragonball Z: The Tree of Might (1991)” movie review.

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    "Dragonball Z: The Tree of Might" seems like it wants to be more epic than your usual serial film, yet the characters are wasted and the story ends abruptly...yet it's also more epic than its predecessors and I was consistently entertained- despite its 'too long, yet not long enough' runningtime.