1. “Evil Dead (2013)” movie review.

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    When it came to delivering horror set pieces, I thought “Evil Dead” was above average. It’s not as scary as the original, but...well, that was MY biggest issue. I couldn’t help but compare it to Sam Raimi’s film, which I adore.
  2. “The New Daughter (2009)” movie review.

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    It is so by the numbers and conventional that you almost start to wish that it was atrocious, so you could actually feel something about it. Instead, we just have to wallow in its mediocrity. The big shocker is how they somehow roped Kevin Costner into participating in something so blandly forgettable.
  3. “Fallen (1998)” movie review.

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    What surprises me the most about “Fallen” is that it's one of the few thrillers that managed to get under my skin despite the fact that 90% of the screen-time is dedicated to Denzel (Washington) trying to figure out what we already know.