1. “Wrath of the Titans (2012)” movie review

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    Despite being financially successful, I doubt many felt "Clash of the Titans (2010)" warranted a sequel. At worst, people loathed the movie and at best, people...well, could barely remember it. When I saw it during its theatrical release, I made sure to avoid the reasons people were so vehement about it. For one, I hadn't seen the original 1981 film of the same name, so I had no nostalgic ties there. Two, I stayed away from the much maligned 3D conversion. I personally thought it was harmless entertainment, but it didn't hold up very well upon subsequent viewings. Will "Wrath of the Titans" be cursed with the same fate? I'm not sure, but I personally prefer it over its predecessor.
  2. “John Carter (2012)” review

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    "John Carter" is one of those movies that can be enjoyed if you go into it with the right mentality. If you just look at it as another conventional epic that's only purpose is to show off some cool special effects, or you want a high spectacle/low plot ratio, then you'll likely find the movie to be agreeable enough. The problem is it should've been more. Armed with a $250,000,000 budget and a lot talent (behind and in front of the camera), it should've bitch slapped us with the golden arm of cinema. But it didn't and in the end, it's just another CGI-fest, high on spectacle and low on everything else.