1. “Attack of the Vegan Zombies! (2010)” movie review.

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    "Attack of the Vegan Zombies" is as strange as it sounds. It never ceases in delivering daft ideas and is surprisingly well made, despite the low budget. It's just a shame that the flick sabotages itself by trying too hard to be funny, when it was only funny when it was trying to be serious.
  2. “Kiss of the Damned (2012)” movie review.

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    The problem with “Kiss of the Damned” is it aims to please the arthouse crowd, but it’s not good enough to really be considered a high brow film. Still, as far as erotic vampire films go, it was pretty erotic…You'll either like or loathe it. I'm still not sure what I feel myself.
  3. “Rubber (2010)” movie review.

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    What? You say “Rubber” is a movie about a killer tire? I’m sold. A killer tire who causes heads to explode using psychic powers? Name your price and I shall pay it! Those who follow my reviews should know that I am a sucker for bizarre premises. Unfortunately, “Rubber” might be well made, but it thinks it's better than it really is and I’m just not a big fan of arthouse horror.