1. “Dragonball Z: Lord Slug (1991)” movie review.

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    While viewing "Dragonball Z: Lord Slug", I felt like I was watching a two episode filler arc whose only purpose was to kill time so the manga could catch up. Hell, this felt even more fillery than The Garlic Jr Saga, which WAS a short filler arc whose only purpose was to kill time so the manga could catch up.
  2. “Dragonball Z: The Tree of Might (1991)” movie review.

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    "Dragonball Z: The Tree of Might" seems like it wants to be more epic than your usual serial film, yet the characters are wasted and the story ends abruptly...yet it's also more epic than its predecessors and I was consistently entertained- despite its 'too long, yet not long enough' runningtime.
  3. “The One (2001)” movie review.

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    “The One” seems to be comprised of a handful of awesome sequences which arguably surpassed “The Matrix” when it came to sheer coolness, but it doesn’t have much else going for it. Sad, as it had an interesting premise, a hair wielding Jason Statham and TWO Jet Li’s kicking ass. It’s still fun, but it could’ve been so much more than a wannabe Matrix.
  4. “Event Horizon (1997)” movie review.

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    There are two ways you can approach “Event Horizon”. You can see it as an entertaining science fiction/horror hybrid that is elevated by its inspired ideas, awesome set designs and creative premise. Or you can view it as an action-horror flick that is frustrating because it squandered its inspired ideas, awesome set designs and creative premise in order to focus on dated CGI and dumbed down action sequences. I wanted "Event Horizon" to be much more than what it ultimately was, but that didn't stop me from having fun.
  5. “Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning (2012)” movie review.

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    "Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning" is insane. Yeah, I know I've said that about movies before, but I was being liberal with that definition. I had just meant past films were wild and chaotic. "Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning" is less the 'wild and chaotic' version of insanity, and more the...'it cuts off its penis and presents it to you as a gift' kind of insane.
  6. “Horror Express (1972)” movie review.

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    While I enjoyed the attacks and supernatural elements, it was watching the characters interact that kept me invested. But what do you expect? That is bound to happen when your movie stars Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, Telly Savalas and a crapload of other talented actors. Plus, it takes place on a freaking train!