1. “Dynamite Warrior (2006)” movie review.

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    The fight scenes looked more like rehearsals for the real fight scenes, not the finished product. Eventually, I realized my mistake. I was watching "Dynamite Warrior" under the understanding that it was a martial arts film. In reality, it's a fantasy, adventure, western, comedy that just happens to have (Muay Thai) martial arts. Once I got used to its 'focus', I began to enjoy "Dynamite Warrior", as silly as it could be.
  2. “Born to Fight (2004)” movie review.

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    Whether they're taking hits, being knocked off of structures, vehicles, or being in a vehicle that's driving through a structure, everything they do in this movie is amazing and all of them deserve credit for keeping "Born to Fight" enjoyable. You guys not only stole the show, you probably made it in the first place and I take off my hat in respect to your greatness. *kisses*