With the death of one season, comes the birth of another!
This video was never intended to be very polished, so a few scenes are rushed, but I was a bit more uptight than I expected. I had a short window to do this and I dreaded how long the script was. It was two pages, about the same length as a full critiquing the critics episode. By the time I had already started filming, I began having a few regrets. The ‘brackets’ that I categorized everyone were very flimsy, as most of the reviewers should be in multiple brackets. But it moved pretty well until I got to the ‘Season 4’ part. Generally, I either memorize my lines or place the script somewhere I can at least glance at it, But it was too long so I had to work on the fly.
It took 20 minutes worth of retakes to get it right and by right, I mean barely tolerable. With that all said and done, this was better than “Season 2”, which aged very poorly. Seriously, I found that to be unwatchable, whereas this is…okay.
I want to try to include more background music in future episodes. I always envied reviewers who can pull that off.
The only changes in the script were
1) When I mention Robert Million, I accidentally say (VO) “I double penetrated Robert Million with Spazzmaster”. Then camera cuts to me, frustrated, repeating “double teamed” over and over. Then I mention how the blackmail material was useless now. Why did I change it? It just didn’t seem as funny when I got in front of the camera.
2) Originally my forgetting Somecallmejohnny, Morgles, etc was because they belonged to no real bracket. So I refer to them as the freaks because they belong nowhere. Then I figured out that they all did share a theme (being solid examples of their subject). I would’ve fixed it, but it would’ve required too much editing by that point. So I left it as it is, although I changed the freaks line. Otherwise, it does seem like a random example.
Anyway, good luck for the Season 4 race and hope you enjoyed this video and Season 3. You can view all of the episodes in the video review index.