1. “Attack of the Vegan Zombies! (2010)” movie review.

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    "Attack of the Vegan Zombies" is as strange as it sounds. It never ceases in delivering daft ideas and is surprisingly well made, despite the low budget. It's just a shame that the flick sabotages itself by trying too hard to be funny, when it was only funny when it was trying to be serious.
  2. “General Stone (1977)” movie review.

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    When it comes to determining what makes a great film, I have two standards of quality. The movie must contain either fire breathing, mutant, killer zombie sushi OR statues impregnating women the old fashioned way. Since “General Stone” contains the latter, that automatically makes it one of the finest kung fu films of all time.
  3. “Uninvited (1988)” movie review.

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    When I read the premise, I immediately became intrigued. A monster-kitty starts eating criminals on a yacht? Hell yeah! Of course, any film buff knows that the cooler the premise, the stupider the movie. Did "Uninvited" fall victim to this? Yes, but it's FREAKING AWESOME for it. Okay, maybe I'm getting a little too excited. It's not 'freaking awesome' as much as it's 'freaking tolerable' because of the badness.